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Harry Redknapp painting – Raising funds for the Urology Department at Southampton General Hospital.

This video is the first of three portraits to be auctioned.

I have painted this portrait of Harry Redknapp in his AFC Bournemouth playing days, as part of a fundraising campaign.

I have been having various treatments bladder tumours for the last 2-3 years, and I will be auctioning the painting to raise funds for the Urology Department at Southampton General Hospital.

No treatment is going to be wonderful, but everyone involved in looking after my health has been absolutely superb, and this is my way of saying thank you and giving something back.

Details of how to bid are in the video, and I’ll also tell you how here!

Please email any bids to robtmfpa’at’

Please put ‘Harry Redknapp’ in the Subject line and add your bid below in the Message Body.

I’ll provide updates as any new higher bid comes in.

This auction will close 31 May 2024 and all proceeds with go to the Urology Department at the General.

Thank you for watching, and please share this far and wide

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