
Question time!

Read more about Question time!

Its Question and Answer time!

Read more about Its Question and Answer time!

Painting “Far Outside The Wire”

Read more about Painting “Far Outside The Wire”

Out and about talking about my art!

Read more about Out and about talking about my art!

A busy week. New easel and more painting!

Read more about A busy week. New easel and more painting!

Harry Redknapp painting – Raising funds for the Urology Department at Southampton General Hospital.

Read more about Harry Redknapp painting – Raising funds for the Urology Department at Southampton General Hospital.

Painting “Untroubled Waters”

Read more about Painting “Untroubled Waters”

Three mouth painted portraits to be auctioned to raise funds for the NHS!

Read more about Three mouth painted portraits to be auctioned to raise funds for the NHS!

New Painting – “Boats on a Jetty”

Read more about New Painting – “Boats on a Jetty”